Standard RP Rules
Standard RP Rules are as follows:
Hospitals, Apartments, Clothing Stores/Barbers, Car Dealerships, and Police Stations are considered GREEN ZONES and no illegal activity should partake at these locations. In addition to this, employees who are clocked in and working the business should be considered off limits. The only exception to the green zone is a continuation of an already active scene. Example: Your attacker follows you to the hospital and finishes the job. Meaning they did not lose sight of you and the chase was lead to the green zone.
Breaking character or going OOC while in-game is never allowed unless a member of the staff team has established that roleplay is paused.
Metagaming, Power-gaming, Fail-RP, and Cop-Baiting are not allowed. Non Fear-RP is considered Fail-RP.
Fear-RP is acting realistically during a situation where a real person would be fearful, you must value your character’s life. When threatened by a weapon (meaning the weapon is pointed at you or is reasonably close to cause danger - such as in the same room or near you, where the person can obviously shoot within two seconds), your character is to obey the armed person. That means you can't run off "because I was scared". You obey the armed man to the fullest extent.
Power-gaming is forceful roleplay that does not give the other player a chance to roleplay their own response and is considered power gaming. Players must ALWAYS be given a chance to roleplay outcomes of any action. (Example: Trying to hold up someone who is in an animation or menu.)
You can not force yourself into a storyline/scene that you do not belong to and/or have no reason to be a part of. These includes:
You can not intervene in a heist that is already started.
You can not intervene in an active police chase that you were not already included in.
You can not intervene in any type of shootout that doesn't involve you at the start.
You can not intervene in police scenes that do not involve you.
If you lose the police, you may not garage your vehicle or hide in your apartment/house until 10 minutes have passed since you lost the police. This includes logging out.
Cop-baiting is anything that results in the goal of purposefully doing an action just to get the attention of the cops.
Doing burnouts outside the police station.
Returning to find the cops after escaping them to force a interaction.
Speeding or performing other actions to draw attention to yourself in areas that there are reasonable expectations for officers to be located.
Using your horn unnecessarily much just to get attention, or when there is an active scene going on nearby.
Purposely driving through an active scene and/or roadblocks.
Under NO circumstances are you allowed to impersonate an officer or EMS nor are you permitted to use any of the clothing items for these jobs if you are not a true employee of the department.
Do not role play as a default character that you first fly in as with the bald head and ugly clothes. Create your own character as your own personal style. If you were unable to customize your character please open a ticket or visit Pillbox's plastic surgeon.
Fail-RP is a violation of any of the rules.
Erotic Roleplay must be consented by all parties involved, and has to be 18+ of course.
Do not approach staff in city about any out of character issues.
Interfering in an RP situation you are not involved in with the goal of ruining it, ending it, or just generally being annoying is not allowed.
All driving on the server should be semi realistic, When taking jumps you are also expected to RP any injuries received. Remember NVL when considering major jumps. #makeitmakesence
It is a form of power-gaming to escort a player while driving or in a vehicle. If there is not a trunk or seat for them they can not be transported/ride with you. This includes bikes, emergency vehicles, and aircraft.
You are NOT allowed to transfer items or mix memories between your roleplay characters. (This includes money and cars of any kind) This rule also takes effect if you are a middleman (The person helping transfer the items or money).
Random Deathmatch (RDM) and Vehicle Deathmatch (VDM) are not allowed; you must initiate verbally before killing someone for each and every scene unless otherwise stated. Once the verbal communication is established then the RP may continue from there
Using Phone/Radio While you are down or cuffed is prohibited other than contacting /911 or /311. If you go down for any reason you are not to use your phone to contact anyone else at all. Using your phone/Radio to contact a friend whilst down will be considered Fail RP
Combat Logging: If you leave any ongoing rp situation this is considered combat logging, other types of combat logging include but are not limited to - f8 quitting or soft logging. In short any attempt made by you the player to leave a situation before proper rp has finished can be considered Combat logging
Last updated