Faction Rules
Faction Rules are as follows
Factions will have a maximum number of 15 people and minimum of 4 people to get started. staff will hold all factions to the HIGHEST standard of roleplay and any rule breaks will result in official faction strikes.
Registered Gangs:
Min 4 Members
Register Gangs Can Claim a Color & Turf
Whitelisted Gangs:
Registered Gangs Can Become WL After 14 Days of Activity
Min 6 Members
Eligible to Import/Purchase Clothing and MLO
Access to Gang Menu/Stash/Garage
Gang Spray
Civilians should not be robbed by faction members unless:
They are in a hot spot location (Drug or Territory locations)
They deliberately provoke a faction
They kidnap/injure a faction member
Factions may not operate more than ONE mech shop in the city as a group. If a business gets raided and the business is found guilty for illegal practices/activities by DOJ/PD then that business will be shut down for 10 days
You may only have ONE character in a faction at any given time. Nobody will be removed or added to/from any roster until the faction leader has requested for them to be. Factions can ally with any other faction , except in the instances that there is faction conflict and/or wars. (You can hold good relationships with faction to perform jobs, businesses etc. with other factions/MC but you cannot merge to become a super group to take down or help with other conflicts.)
All faction wars will consist of 1 faction v 1 faction . (Any factions that are not in the current war, scouting out areas or finding out information for the factions involved within the wars will be given an immediate strike.) Faction wars must be acknowledged by both leaders
If ANY member from either of the participating factions is downed and gets picked up and taken to the hospital or airlifts they cannot return to the active situation. Faction wars last anywhere from 1 day to 1 week at max. After the war has ended, it will require a 5 day cooldown before starting a new faction war or before any other faction can also declare war. If you need to report a rule break during a faction war you MUST provide a clip of the situation along with utilizing the discord ticket system.
If you leave a faction or get disbanded, you are not allowed to join/create another group for 14 days. If you create an application before the 14 day purgatory period is up, your application will be denied for another 14 days. While you are on cooldown you may NOT be a gang hang around. You are to be free from all gang related RP for the entirety of the cooldown.
Hang arounds are allowed however they can NOT be included with any official faction activities or wear your faction logo/official gear. They also may not be added to your in city menu until they are part of your roster.
Faction wars/shootouts are limited to 8 participants at one time. You may NOT swap someone out mid war so choose strategically. The only exception is if your home block is being pushed. Then you may include your entire roster to defend however the faction initiating the raid is still limited to 8.
You are not to avoid interactions with other factions to “continually” hold down a criminal process, by avoiding gunfights, etc. If your faction chooses to recruit a new member while your faction is already in an active war, your new recruit(s) will NOT be permitted to participate in any war-related activities. Faction blocks can NOT be camped. (ex. You can roll around their block to scout out situations, but you cannot sit there and pick off everyone when they come out of their houses.)
All members must wear their colors/cuts for faction on faction crime. There is no such thing as going blackout. Rep your shit!
Faction Wars:
- Terms must be set prior to going to war
- Max amount of fights/shootouts is 5 over a max of 7 days (60 minute cooldown between each fight) - Faction wars should be for good cause. Going to war because you got in your feelings about being called a bitch is not a good cause.
Examples of acceptable war reasons: - Drug Control - Colors - Block Control - Stolen Property
In regards to faction related shooting cooldown, after any faction related shooting, regardless of war or beef, with an official group or non-official group, if members of your faction go down, the entire faction is on a 60-minute cooldown from participating in another faction related shooting. If your block is pushed during your cooldown, you will restart the 60 minutes.
Faction Strikes are as follows
Strike 1: Faction leader must pay a $150k fine and faction is placed on a 2 day cooldown from any criminal activity including wearing their gangs colors/identifiers. A strike will be communicated to the leader via discord. The strike will be removed after one month of no infractions or the faction leader may attempt to appeal the strike via a faction ticket
Strike 2: Faction leader must pay a $300k fine and faction is placed on a 5 day cooldown from any criminal activity including wearing their gangs colors/identifiers. All members responsible for the most recent strike will be placed on a 24 hour ban from the server. The strike will be removed after one month of no infractions or the faction leader may attempt to appeal the strike via a faction ticket
Strike 3: Faction leader must pay a $500k fine and faction will be disbanded and all members will be on a 30 day cooldown before joining or starting a new faction. All members responsible for the most recent strike will be placed on a 3 day ban from the server or the faction leader may attempt to appeal the disbandment via a faction ticket after the cooldown has expired.
Last updated