Advanced RP Rules
Advanced RP Rules are as follows
Recording and Bodycam Rules
Third-party recordings in the city are allowed for court RP only if you have an active running bodycam purchased from in-city shops. (If you do not see a label at the top of your screen its considered not recording)
No other devices (e.g., GoPros, personal bodycams) or "memories" can be claimed as evidence.
Acceptable footage is restricted to events within your character's direct line of sight while the bodycam or dashcam is active.
Any recordings outside this scope are considered OOC (Out of Character) and cannot be used.
If your bodycam or dashcam is stolen, all footage recorded within the last 30 minutes is considered "destroyed" and cannot be used.
Players are limited to THREE WHITELISTED JOBS. This is going to be monitored more closely and will ensure that players are not abusing this rule. A whitelisted job means ANY player owned employment establishment. You can have unlimited side jobs such as lumber or garbage
In order to identify a masked player you must have 2 identifying factors Example: Tattoos & Car
You may only keep a hostage for 20 minutes unless the hostage agrees via /me to an extended containment of their character. This is the hostage rule for ANY situation. People have lives that don't revolve around your personal roleplay.
You can only rob someone if you are in possession of a weapon (knife, gun, bat) and if their hands are raised or they are cuffed. This should go without saying but if you rob someone while you yourself are also at gunpoint is Fail-RP. You may only take things of roleplay significance. Pocket-wiping is Fail-RP. (Clearing inventory instead of just taking keys, guns, drugs, radio, etc..) Radios and Phones are only methods of in-game communication over long distances. Use of discord or any other communication service outside the city will be considered Metagaming.
Hitman RP is considered low effort RP and is not allowed in any fashion
You are not allowed to perform any kind of robberies for the last 30 minutes of the restart and the first 15 minutes after a restart. Restart times are 2AM CST & 2PM CST
All Criminal Activity is restricted to 5 players (Including Outside Help) - excludes gang Vs. gang (limit 8)
All private aircraft (rentals included) must ONLY be landed on actual landing pads throughout the city. You should never be low altitude unless landing and helicopters/plans may not be used in crime or as a getaway vehicle.
Interacting with target locations/NPC's while in a vehicle should be considered power gaming. Keep it realistic.
Extreme Roleplay: For extreme scenarios of roleplay (Such as removal of body parts, cannibalism, witchcraft) you need to have consent using /me before performing the scene. If the person asks you to stop at any point you must stop.
Using information gained from other characters is Meta Gaming and will result in a ban. For example you can NOT use information from your other "soul, cousin, family member, etc.". There should be ZERO talk about other souls/cousin/brother/sister's lives.
Asset Dumping is Not Allowed. Asset dumping is where you plan to perma a character or leave the server and give all your stuff away for dirt cheap. No one knows when they are dying and definitely does not start selling millions of dollars of assets for $1 or cheap. It ruins economies when players do these actions. If a player is found asset dumping before a perma or departure of the city, all assets WILL BE DELETED and WILL NOT be returned.
Last updated