LEO Rules
LEO Rules are as follows
Corrupt cops/EMS/Lawyers are NOT ALLOWED. You cannot utilize an armory, stash, etc. to make financial gain or distribute drugs/guns/items to the city. We have logs for this, and if you are caught doing so, you will be banned.
We are based on a realistic large city where there would be realistically 1,000+ officers sworn in at minimum. This is why we do not allow players to rob cops as realistically it makes 0 sense, and wouldn’t happen in real life.
LEO officers are not here for your personal RP. Cop baiting is absolutely NOT allowed
LEO officers can ONLY be taken hostage if it makes since for your RP. Not just because you want to give a middle finger to PD. However keep in mind this warrants a code red response from officers
Emergency vehicles are OFF LIMITS to steal or drive if you are NOT hired on at one of these jobs. This means that if you are not an EMS, Police Officer, or Emergency Personnel, you are to NOT drive or steal one of these vehicles.
You may steal a cop car in one instance and one instance ONLY: IF THAT IS YOUR ONLY ESCAPE. once you get away from the police you MUST get rid of the car at the first chance you get.
LEO can not be taken hostage in exchange for money, aircraft, or the freedom of others. Once the suspect is past the sidewalks of the PD/Jail then there is no negotiating
LEO personnel are NOT to share information about who is on duty/ongoing investigations/ SOP's/ Ect. as this creates an unfair advantage to other player who put in the time to do things right. Abusing the perks of a job like EMS, Police or Lawyers is strictly prohibited and anyone doing so will result in a ban.
Last updated